13 아르키메데스 다면체(Archimedean Solids) 전개도

written by jjycjn   2016. 10. 1. 23:35

※ 출처 - http://www.geometrycode.com/

깎은 정사면체(truncated tetrahedron)

깎은 정육면체(truncated cube)


다듬은 정육면체(snub cube)

깎은 육팔면체(truncated cuboctahedron)


깎은 정팔면체(truncated octahedron)

깎은 정십이면체(truncated dodecahedron)


다듬은 정십이면체(snub dodecahedron)

깎은 십이이십면체(truncated icosidodecahedron)


깎은 정이십면체(truncated icosahedron)

Text/Image/Media from GeometryCode.com; used with permission of Elysian Publishing/Intent Design Studio, which provides educational services on Sacred Geometry and interconnectedness.

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