수학의 분야 (Branch of Mathematics)

written by jjycjn   2014. 7. 20. 12:53

LaTeX을 이용하여 수학의 분야를 간단하게 마인드맵으로 정리해 보았다. 대부분 학부 수준에서 한번쯤은 들어봤을 법한 분야들로만 마인드맵을 작성하되 대학원 수준의 분야라 하더라도 그 분야가 다양한 곳에 응용 된다면, 그러한 분야에 한해 마인드맵에 포함시켰다. 그림을 클릭하면 원본 크기로 볼 수 있다.

위 마인드맵을 얻을 수 있는 LaTeX 코드는 아래와 같다.




\tikzset{level 1 concept/.append style={sibling angle=55}}
\tikzset{level 2 concept/.append style={sibling angle=40}}
\tikzset{level 3 concept/.append style={sibling angle=35}}

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.49, transform shape]
\path[mindmap,concept color=black, text=white]
node[concept, scale=1.3] {Pure Mathematics} [clockwise from=150]
	child[concept color=black!25!orange] {node[concept] {Foundations} [clockwise from=200]
		child {node[concept] {Mathematical Logics}}
        child {node[concept] {Set Theory} [clockwise from=180]
        	child {node[concept, scale=1.2] {Category Theory}}
        	child {node[concept, scale=1.2] {Fuzzy Theory}}}
        child {node[concept] {History of Math}}}
    child[concept color=black!25!red] {node[concept] {Analysis} [clockwise from=180]
        child {node[concept] {Real Analysis}}
        child {node[concept] {Complex Analysis}}    	
    	child {node[concept] {Calculus} [clockwise from=150]
    		child {node[concept, scale=1.2] {Multivaliable Calculus}}
    		child {node[concept, scale=1.2] {Vector Calculus}}}
        child {node[concept] {Advanced Analysis} [clockwise from=120]
    		child {node[concept, scale=1.2] {Measure Theory}}
    		child {node[concept, scale=1.2] {Functional Analysis}}
    		child {node[concept, scale=1.2] {Harmonic Analysis}}}        	
        child { node[concept] {Differential Equations} [clockwise from=55]
        	child {node[concept, scale=1.2] {ODEs}}
        	child {node[concept, scale=1.2] {PDEs}}}}
	child[concept color=black!50!yellow] {node[concept] {Algebra} [clockwise from=45]
        child {node[concept] {Number Theory} [clockwise from=90]
        	child {node[concept, scale=1.1] {Algebraic Number Theory}}
        	child {node[concept, scale=1.1] {Analytic Number Theory}}}
        child {node[concept] {Abstract Algebra} [clockwise from=60]
        	child {node[concept, scale=1.2] {Group Theory}}
        	child {node[concept, scale=1.2] {Ring Theory}}
        	child {node[concept, scale=1.2] {Field Theory}}}
        child {node[concept] {Linear Algebra} [clockwise from=350]
        	child {node[concept, scale=1.2] {Matrix Algebra}}}}
    child[concept color=black!50!green] {node[concept] {Geometry} [clockwise from=15]
        child {node[concept] {Euclidean Geometry} [clockwise from=0]
        	child {node[concept, scale=1.1] {Trigonometry}}}
        child {node[concept] {Non-Euclidean Geometry} [clockwise from=350]
        	child {node[concept, scale=1.1] {Elliptic Geometry}}
        	child {node[concept, scale=1.1] {Hyperbolic Geometry}}}
        child {node[concept] {General Topology} [clockwise from=300]
        	child {node[concept, scale=1.2] {Algebraic Topology}}
        	child {node[concept, scale=1.2] {Knot Theory}}}
        child {node[concept] {Defferential Geometry}}}
    child[concept color=black!50!blue] {node[concept] {Discrete Mathematics} [clockwise from=310]
        child {node[concept] {Combinatorics}}
        child {node[concept] {Graph Theory}}
        child {node[concept] {Cryptography}}}

node[extra concept, scale=1.75, concept color=black] at (220:3.5) {Applied Mathematics}
    child[grow=155, level distance=45mm, scale=0.8, concept color=brown] {node[concept] {Numerical Analysis}}		
	child[grow=175, level distance=65mm, scale=0.8, concept color=brown] {node[concept] {Statistics} [clockwise from=250]
		child {node[concept] {Probability}}
		child {node[concept] {Dicision Theory}}
		child {node[concept] {Data Analysis}}		
		child {node[concept] {Stochastic Processes}}}
    child[grow=195, level distance=45mm, scale=0.8, concept color=brown] {node[concept] {Optimization}}
    child[grow=215, level distance=65mm, scale=0.8, concept color=brown] {node[concept] {Computer Science}}
    child[grow=235, level distance=45mm, scale=0.8, concept color=brown] {node[concept] {Game Theory}}
    child[grow=255, level distance=65mm, scale=0.8, concept color=brown] {node[concept] {Mathematical Physics} [clockwise from=300]
    	child {node[concept] {Dynamical Systems}}
    	child {node[concept] {Quantum Theory}}
    	child {node[concept] {Relativity}}}
    child[grow=275, level distance=45mm, scale=0.8, concept color=brown] {node[concept] {Financial Mathematics}};


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